Hi, my name is Jonibek and I want to thank Instudy.uz center especially Anastasia and Aziza for their help. I was traveling to Prague, Dresden and Viena for two weeks. They found educational center Association and helped me to get visa. Moreover they explained me about documents and how to do it. I have amazing memories about Europe. All cities are very beautiful and breathtaking. There are numerous old buildings and places with spectacular views to get a selfie. It was the most wonderful summer holidays in my life. Thank you so much Instudy.uz!
Liepaja University,Shanghai University,MSM Academy,Riverside City College (RCC),Гомельский государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины (ГГУ),Сумский государственный университет (СумГУ),Sharda University в Андижане,Витебский государственный технологический университет (ВГТУ),ISMA в Фергане,Webster University Athens Campus,University Canada West,Univerisity of Applied Science Europe,Балтийская Международная Академия (БМА),Vilnius University,Riga Stradins University (RSU),Webster Leiden Campus,Институт транспорта и связи (TSI),Рижская бизнес-школа (RBS),University of West London RAK branch Campus,Vistula University,Vilnius Business College,La Sapienza University of Rome,University of Cassino and Southern Lazio,Ca’Foscari University,Awesome English Language Center,CTL Eurocollege,BA School of Business and Finance,InterNapa College,EKA,UniSchool,Synergy University,LaSalle College Montreal,The University of Law,The Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (A.P.U.),Segi University,Kaplan Singapore,Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS),London School of Business and Finance (LSBF),SolBridge International School of Business,Chonnam National University,Sejong University,Diablo Valley College,The University of Maine,Monroe College,Seattle Central College,Abraham Lincoln University,BAU International University Washington DC,Concordia University Chicago,INSA,don Quijote,GBSB Global Business School,Españolé International House Valencia,Daugavpils University,Riga Technical University,Turiba University,ISMA,SWPS University,Kozminski University,Lazarski University,The University of New York in Prague,Anglo-American University in Prague,Association educational centre,EIIE EURASIA Institute,did deutsch-institut,GISMA Business School,IUBH University of Applied Sciences,Webster University,Wichita State University,Wittenborg University of applied sciences,Zoni Language School,Университет Казимераса Симонавичуса,